Adjust-A-Wings Enforcer Reflector

Title: Adjust-A-Wings Enforcer Reflector - 250-600w (+ Lamp Holder)
Sale price£66.95



The Adjust-A-Wing Enforcer light reflector has been designed by the same people who developed the world renowned Adjust-A-Wing, made from slightly lower grade aluminium. The Enforcer is aimed at those on a limited budget but are after a similar light spread, efficiency and flexibility as the original Adjust-A-Wing.

The Adjust-A-Wing Enforcer offers a reflection of approximately 86% which will be maintained for a minimum of 3 years and are an ideal choice for those wanting to try the Adjust-A-Wing reflector but at a cheaper price with no compromise on quality.


  • Approximately 86% reflection guaranteed for a minimum of 3 years
  • Potential to increase your light spread by 75% and reduce heat
  • Potential to increase yield by 50%
  • High on quality, low on price

For more information on lighting requirements, please read the Holland Hydroponics Lighting and Accessories Guide available to download as a PDF in the Product Downloads tab below.

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