BioBizz All-Mix - 50L

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Bio-Bizz All-Mix is the most popular brand of soil mix at Holland Horticulture. It has been developed to be the best potting soil for organic cultivation and has been a true market leader for many years.

  • All·Mix is a high quality, heavily pre-fertilised soil mixture, this is not your average garden centre soil mix! It has been designed to be on par with rich outdoor soil with a full micro active eco system, but in such a way that it has enough power to sustain lush plant growth for a couple of weeks with no extra fertiliser required. 
  • BioBizz All-Mix consists of a mixture of 20% sphagnum peat moss, 35% garden peat, 10% high quality worm manure, 30% perlite and 5% Pre-Mix. Composted together to ensure ideal microbial flora activity and high nutrient availability and fertility, a living soil of the highest grade.
  • 100% organic - OMRI and SKAL certified.
  • Highly recommended for any gardener looking for a top quality organic soil.

Another great product from Bio-Bizz is Light Mix. This has been specifically formulated for seedlings and cuttings for organic growers who want to control their plant growth by applying liquid fertilisers right from the word grow!


  1. Do I need to control the pH of this soil?

    All of the Biobizz organic range have not been produced with mineral salts but with organic elements. These organic elements are impossible to measure. However, the elements have a self-regulating system, which maintains the values at the correct level. Also we do not advise using pH adjustment chemicals in soil, as the soil acts as a natural buffer, and pH up or down will kill any beneficial bacteria in the rootzone.

  2. How to use BioBizz All-mix?

    When using All·Mix for the first time, moisten the substrate and leave to stand for 36 hours. This will give the active fertilizer Pre·Mix and the microorganisms it contains a chance to start working befOre the plant goes in.

    Keep the soil slightly warm at all times, as reducing the soil temperature slows down microbial activity, which makes it more difficult for the plant to grow. Allow the soil to dry out between each watering because as the substrate dries out fresh air (Oxygen) is introduced - soil needs to breathe too!

  3. Can I re-use All-Mix?

    Yes you can, although this can be a little time consuming! Remove the top surface layer of soil from the pot or bed and discard it. This soil may contain insect eggs or larvae. Even if you are certain it is free of eggs or larvae, it is best to be on the safe side.

    Prune the plant leaving just a small stalk and the roots in the soil, then pull up the stem up and remove the roots completely. Sift through the soil with your fingers or a hand fork and remove as many of the old roots as possible. Leaving a few behind is not a problem, however larger root mass will use more of the soil’s energy for decomposition.

    Add fresh Pre·Mix (5%) and Worm·Humus (10%), then moisten and leave in a warm place for at least a week.

  4. How and how many times can I reuse All·Mix?

    Yes you can, although this can be a little time consuming! Remove the top surface layer of soil from the pot or bed and discard it. This soil may contain insect eggs or larvae. Even if you are certain it is free of eggs or larvae, it is best to be on the safe side.

    Reusing Biobizz substrates depends on the characteristics of the substrate once its main use is finished. If the substrate is very dry or very humid, it may have lost its homogeneity and texture characteristics. But if the substrate maintains good physical characteristics, it can be recycled at least once.

    If a little more organic matter is added to the substrate and the second time it is used it maintains its characteristics, it may be used once more, but there is a possibility that the substrate will be used up depending on the needs of the plant.
    How to do it? Adding 10% of Worm·Humus to the substrate and a new layer of 5 to 10 cm of fresh All·Mix. There is also the option of mixing it with 5 to 10 cm of Light·Mix and 5% of Pre·Mix.

  5. How can I combine Coco·Mix with All·Mix and Light·Mix?

    Yes you can, although this can be a little time consuming! Remove the top surface layer of soil from the pot or bed and discard it. This soil may contain insect eggs or larvae. Even if you are certain it is free of eggs or larvae, it is best to be on the safe side.

    There is no definitive combination for mixing coco with substrate. The proportion of each one will depend on the needs of our crop and the physicochemical characteristics that we want to obtain in our substrate. It is important to know that the more Coco·Mix we put in the mix, the more humid our substrate will be, and the more possibility there is of fungal problems and diseases if we do not control the temperature and watering well.

    To create a Light substrate, we can mix 55% of Light·Mix and 45% of Coco·Mix. This will be a moist substrate with high water retention capacity. For a more balanced substrate we would recommend putting 70% of All·Mix or Light·Mix and 30% of Coco·Mix. Each professional has their own technique and the mix can be very varied depending on the needs and intentions of the grower.

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