To encourage optimum healthy and strong growing Cacti and Succulents.
Cactus Focus Repotting Mix Peat Free is designed for best results with the widest range of cacti and succulents.
- It is free draining to promote healthy root growth
- It contains a carefully balanced range of nutrients to support growth for up to two months
Cacti and succulents need repotting every 12–18 months or if the condition of the old soil is poor. For best results, plants should be repotted early in the year just before the new spring growth starts, but they can be repotted at any time in the summer.
Cactus Focus Repotting Mix Peat Free contains coir, composted fine bark, sterilised soil, grit, sand, as well as a balanced range of nutrients to support growth.
Available in 3 litres and 8 litres.
For longer-lasting results, we recommend applying a quality plant food, such as Cactus Focus

Cactus and Succulent Care and Advice
Cacti and succulents need warm temperatures and bright conditions for growth and flowering. Prolonged periods of low temperatures can lead to fungal diseases and stunted growth so they should be placed in the warmest and sunniest part of the house.
Bright conditions are required – these are among the few plants that can thrive on a south-facing windowsill all year round. In the middle of the summer, however, light through a window may result in scorching so check regularly and move around if you notice any scorching from too much light. East or west-facing windows can be good enough, too.
In their natural environment cacti and succulents absorb nutrients and water from dew or mist so they will benefit from regular misting with water, or especially Houseplant Myst which provides nutrients at the same time. The best time to mist a cactus or succulent is in the morning. Avoid misting in cold weather during the winter.
Although they can withstand long periods of drought, cacti and succulents will need regular watering, especially during the growing season. Allow for the top part of the growing medium to dry between watering, but not too much as this will inhibit growth. Water from the top of the pot. Regular watering is especially important during flowering to prevent premature drying of the flowers.
Cacti and succulents will respond to regular feeding which will promote healthy growth and flowering. Use a fertiliser specifically formulated for cacti and succulents, such as Cactus & Succulent Focus, at the recommended rate with every other watering during the growing season and occasionally during the winter.
Alternatively, for a simple and convenient way to feed plants you can use a Cactus & Succulent Focus Drip Feeder throughout the year.
Most cacti and succulents will flower once a year - in response to high temperatures and bright conditions (Christmas cactus is an exception and will flower in response to short days and lower temperatures). Unfortunately, the house environment is not warm and bright enough to enable some species to flower.
The leaves of many succulents such as Echeveria, Hawarthia, Sedum and others may be used to generate new plants. Take off a young leaf and allow it to callus for a week or so. Place the end into gritty medium and keep it away from direct sunlight. Water sparingly and repot when a root system has developed.
Repotting Cacti and succulents need repotting every 24–36 months, or if the condition of the old soil is poor. For best results, plants should be repotted early in the year, just before the new spring growth starts, but they can be repotted at any time in the summer. If not repotting, it is a good practice to replace the top part of the growing medium (without removing any roots) with fresh medium every year.
When repotting cacti or succulents is it important to use a pot with an adequate number of drainage holes and a free-draining growing medium specifically for cacti and succulents such as Cactus & Succulent Focus Repotting Mix Peat Free which contains a large proportion of sand, grit and soil.
Rework the new repotting mix so it regains its texture. Repot the plant when the substrate is dry. Carefully ease the plant from the old container, using a pair of gloves or a large piece of cloth if the cactus has spines. Loosen the root ball, breaking away any loose soil. Remove all the soil that you easily can. Add a layer of moist new repotting mix to the bottom of the new container. Hold the plant in place and work the mix well in between the roots.
Add repotting mix until it fills the container to just below the rim. Wait for a week before watering, to allow any damaged roots to heal. Add SuperDrive to the water for the first couple of months to improve rooting and minimize any shock to the plants. Keep in the shade for a further two weeks to allow the plant to recover. Start feeding with a specialist fertiliser such as Cactus & Succulent Focus six weeks after repotting – this will encourage healthy growth and flowering.